CSR 2019: ZACD X TOUCH Eldercare

As part of ZACD’s CSR efforts this year, ZACD spent a meaningful afternoon with the old folks from TOUCH Eldercare. We brought them to the Trick Eye Museum Singapore and took many fun photos for them to reminisce! The folks were also treated to lunch at Ban Heng Pavilion Teochew Restaurant and performance by ZACD’s in-house singing talents! Winners from the lucky draw also got to walk away with electrical appliances sponsored by ZACD.

Other Events

Held on 4th of February at Xin Cuisine, Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium, we had our annual reunion lunch with our esteemed investors, partners and their family to celebrate the arrival of the new lunar year.
The wellness talk held in partnership with Aviva had guest speakers from Mount Elizabeth and Mount Alvernia.
ASME Business Symposium was held at Lifelong Learning Institution on 30th October and was attended by a crowd of more than 150 attendees.
Christmas is a season of giving. This year, ZACD invited 60 children from TOUCH Young Arrows to our Xmas party held at our HQ on 21st December.