Landmark Tower Good Ol’ Xmas Party

The retro-themed party was a way to thank the residents of Landmark Tower for their support and kind words. We’re glad everybody enjoyed and had fun! It was a night to remember with all the song dedication, as well as the memories shared – residents who met at the gym, who has the biggest dog, short cuts through Pearl’s Hill City Park, etc.

Other Events

During the festive season, ZACD connected with our 50 highly-distinguished Accredited Investors to a CNY lunch at the Taste Paradise@Hyatt, Jakarta.
As part of ZACD's CSR efforts this year, ZACD spent a meaningful afternoon with the old folks from TOUCH Eldercare.
ZACD celebrated and reunited with our clients and partners at our "True Ahava" Mid-autumn Client Appreciation Dinner.
The wellness talk held in partnership with Aviva had guest speakers from Mount Elizabeth and Mount Alvernia.